E102 – Preparing for Leadership featuring Craig P. Anderson
I’d like to begin this episode by acknowledging the land that I am learning and living on is the traditional un-ceded, un-surrendered territory of the Anishinaabeg Algonquin People.
Leadership without passion limits the depth of your vision.
Craig’s Recommended Book/Movie/Podcast List:
1. Mindset by Carol Dweck
2. Proactive Sales Management by Skip Miller
3. A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving
1. Avengers
2. Twelve O’clock High
3. Moneyball
1. All In Podcast
2. Against the Riles, Michael Lewis
3. The Comic Conspiracy
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Concussion Legacy Foundation Canada Website: https://www.concussionfoundation.ca
Trench Leadership: A Podcast From the Front is humbled to have been named #13 in the Top 20 for Best Canadian Leadership-themed podcasts for 2024.
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Kardynal, S., E102 – Preparing for leadership featuring craig p. anderson. Trench Leadership: A Podcast From the Front. 2025.