Margaret Wheatley
Margaret Wheatley, an American leader, best-selling author, speaker, teacher, community worker, consultant, and advisor.
She is my all-time favourite leadership mentor. Margaret Wheatley has a way of seeing leadership traits in others and how to help ourselves utilize our leadership skills to overcome the challenges that we experience as we travel our leadership path.
I highly recommend you check out her book, Perseverance. It will alter how you see leadership.
In this page you will find various links to topics related to this show and it’s episodes, practical information to help emerging leaders navigate their leadership journey, and recommended methods to further your formal leadership path.
This page is meant to be a living document, one that will be regularly updated with information that will help emerging leaders, so, if there is a topic you feel would be especially helpful, please feel free to send a note and we’ll work to get it on the web-page.
My Producer: iglen studios
Glen is ‘the voice’ for my intros/outros/mid-show bumpers, etc. He is a professional voice-over artist and can make your VO dreams come true too.
Glen is just a super talented VO artist, he’s also an accomplished photographer, specializing in headshots, but let’s be clear, he can do it all! So, if you are in the Ottawa, ON region and you are looking for a reliable, honest, and genuine professional for your photography needs, head over to www.iglen.com to connect with Glen.
Harvard Business Review
The Harvard Business Review provides short, easily digestible articles, often focussing on management or leadership challenges that we are all facing right now.
The HBR is my go-to when I need quick, reliable, accurate information to solve a solution.
Formal Leadership Education - Royal Roads University and the Master of Arts in Leadership Degree Program
Listeners of the show will have heard, often, that my path to creating this podcast, my passion to help emerging leaders, started with my acceptance in the Master of Arts in Leadership program at Royal Roads University.
A fun fact is that many people have seen part of the Royal Roads campus without even knowing it. How so? If you are an MCU or Deadpool fan, then you have seen Royal Roads. The X-Men’s secret headquarters is none other Hatley castle, which is one of the centrepieces of the campus at RRU. Google it, you’ll see the castle, pretty neat, huh?
The link will take you to RRUs MAL web-site, where you can learn more about how RRU can help continue your leadership journey as well.
The International Society of Military Sciences (ISMS)
The purpose of this organisation is to build a network for the creation, development, exchange and diffusion of research and knowledge about war, conflict management and peace support efforts. The society hosts an annual conference, and one or more workshops per year.
The ISMS is helping to strengthen NCM corps, providing a means for international military academies to cooperate in the development of Non-Commissioned Members (NCM).
For me, the ISMS helps me continue to advocate for NCM, specifically within the Canadian Armed Forces.
Sketchs Ink Custom Paint and Hydrographics
I can already hear the question, “Why are you featuring a custom Paint Shop as a helpful link?” The answer is simple. Brandon and his team are featured in a Season One 3-part mini-series (Episodes 7, 8, 9) so it only made sense to give everyone a deeper look into their leader, and the team that helps bring it all together.
And yes, that is my custom painted 2001 Kawasaki 1500 Vulcan Nomad Classic.
Active Listening
Listening isn’t easy to do. Often, we are splitting our focus on other tasks, coming up with our response, or simply not even listening at all.
Episode 10 features this topic in detail and below are links to all of the quoted articles and papers that were used in the creation of the episode.
1. Harvard Business Review (Active Listening): https://hbr.org/2016/07/what-great-listeners-actually-do
2. Lifehack.org (Passive Listening): https://www.lifehack.org/881336/passive-listening
3. Passive Listening: https://dylansapienza.medium.com/passive-listening-what-is-it-do-you-do-it-should-we-be-worried-1aa686bff8d3
4. Non-Verbal Cues (HelpGuide.org): https://www.helpguide.org/articles/relationships-communication/nonverbal-communication.htm
5. Types of Non-Verbal Cues (Verywellmind.com): https://www.verywellmind.com/types-of-nonverbal-communication-2795397
Mindfulness Techniques
Listen, we get it. Everyone says that to be an effective leaders, we need to manage our stress. And ‘they’ aren’t wrong, but the missing component is that relieving that stress usually means a release long after the stressful moment has passed by.
Episode 11 addresses how to be mindful in the moment.
In the episode, you will be treated to advice, some inspiration, and most importantly, you will be given some practical tips that can be used in most stressful situations right away. That’s right! You don’t need to wait until the end of the day to get your stress out, you can do it right away, helping you keep leading more focussed in the moment.
The Team Leader of a friend?
Episodes 12 and 16 touch on the topic of how to be an effective team leader when you have friends on your team.
The links will provide some helpful tools, in conjunction with the outstanding advice provided by Dr. Kim Perkins, positive organizational psychologist, and Major Sara Greco, USAF Air Reserves and Leadership consultant.
Forbes article; How I Learned that Employees Need a Leader; Not a Friend:
Fear is powerful, and it needs to be. Fear is meant to help us survive, to assess problems and react in order to survive. And all too often, fear is seen as the enemy, when in fact, it can be an ally during challenging moments.
Episode 13 discusses the advantages of fear and how harnessing the power of your fear can help create stronger leadership traits that benefit everyone.
1. Harvard Business Review: How to Overcome Your Fear of Making Mistakes: https://hbr.org/2020/06/how-to-overcome-your-fear-of-making-mistakes
2. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fearless
3. Forbes On-line: The Myth of Fearless Leadership: How To Lead When You’re Afraid: https://www.forbes.com/sites/chriscancialosi/2015/11/01/the-myth-of-fearless-leadership-how-to-lead-when-youre-afraid/?sh=ae4e4994f256
4. Own Your Authority by Marisa Santoro: https://www.amazon.ca/Own-Your-Authority-Confidence-Communicate-ebook/dp/B08LNXJSK2/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Marisa+santoro&qid=1619540276&sr=8-1
5. Critical Lessons About Hot to Better Understand Your Fears: https://blog.iqmatrix.com/understanding-fear
6. The Ressler Lab: http://www.resslerlab.com
7. Margaret Wheatley: Perseverance: https://margaretwheatley.com/books-products/books/perseverance/
Need to let someone go?
Being the leader can be fun and rewarding. But being the leader also means you have to take the icky stuff with it, and often that means you are the one to let someone go.
The link provides a useful article on how to let people go so that it’s as professional as possible for every person.
Hard Conversations
Hard conversations are hard. As leaders, we learn our flavour to have them, but as emerging leaders, these talks can, and usually are, a highly stressful time.
The link will bring you to a site that gives some practical tips to prepare for, conduct, and then carry on after a hard conversation.
Be the leader you want to be!
The academic/leadership community has created many definitions and explanations of the different styles and types of leaders that exist. Here’s the thing, BE YOUR OWN LEADER.
Take the definitions, recommendations, and explanations that speak to you and the type of leader you want to be, and create your own leadership style.
The link offers a launching point for how you might want to consider examining your leadership stance and how your may want to consider evolving your leadership style.
This link isn’t the definitive option to help you grow; rather, it’s meant to help spark the idea of your leadership growth, and then give you some guidance to begin the journey.