Episode 15: Understanding Yourself to Wear Clothes Like the Boss You are! featuring Patrice Bisiot (Part 2 of 2)
In last week’s episode we talked about the need to be genuine and authentic with yourself and if we are honest with who we are, then, and ONLY then, can we begin to understand the leadership image we want to project.
In this week’s episode, we’ll continue this discussion, further explaining how to see these connections right in the moment, and understanding how to use this knowledge to project YOUR leadership brand.

Episode 10: How to be an Effective Active Listener featuring Simon Kardynal
When you’re talking to a colleague, a friend, or your boss, how often do you find yourself cut-off just at the end of your sentence? How often have you seen the person with their mouth open, hands raised, just chomping at the bit to speak? Now, how often have you not felt truly heard by these people, felt rushed or misunderstood and felt as though you didn’t have the voice you would have wanted?
In this episode, we will be talking about the invaluable art of active listening. We will discuss what it means to be an active listener versus a passive listener, and we will talk about why active listening is so crucial for leaders. And finally, we round out the episode with some ways to help all emerging leaders be the very best active listeners that they want to become.

Episode 07: Leading Small Teams featuring Brandon Maloney (Part 1 of 3)
One of the largest challenges for emerging leaders is the belief that large gestures, big shows of dominance, loud noises, whatever, that they are in charge, will be the way to gain the loyalty of their people. When in reality, this gesture often backfires because people can smell BS from a mile away.
When, in fact, you just need to be yourself. Lead with passion, honesty and dedication, and they shall follow.
In this episode, the first in a 2-part mini-series, we will be talking to Brandon Maloney, the founder of Sketchs Ink Custom Paint & Hydrographics, where he will share his views and insights to be successful when leading small teams.

Episode 06: The Successful Leader Uses Creative Tension & Repeatable Language featuring Jason Donkersgoed
In today’s episode, I’ve invited my good friend, Jason Donkersgoed to join us to talk about exploring the importance of understanding creative tension and its effect on the emerging leaders’ ability to better understand the creative process of their team. After that, we will take a different direction and speak about repeatable language and the powerful tool that it can be for emerging leaders.

Episode 03: The Relationship Between Influence and Connections featuring Simon Kardynal
Often, either as leaders or followers, we don’t see or realize the immediate impact that we are making. In the moment (you will hear and see this a lot from me), it’s very hard to recognize that what we are doing has immediate broader ramifications than the small task being performed “right now”. But, as a leader, especially at the early (junior) stages of a leadership career, we have the most direct and powerful influence on our people.
In this episode we will discuss where leadership influence began and when does it stop (Hint: It never stops) and the importance of building connections with your team. We will do this by telling a not so successful story, followed by a success story. We will use these stories to provide some tips and tricks to help you put another tool in your leadership toolbox and help you have more success stories than cringe-worthy ones.

Episode 02: You’re the New Team Lead? Guess what? You’re NOT alone! featuring Megan Boire, Simon Chiu, and Derek Stratton
Being the boss can seem daunting, especially if it’s the first few times you’ve been formally in charge. Often, your people are those that you have worked with for years on many projects, and then Bam! You are the leader. You are making the tough calls, handing out birthday cake, consoling people, disciplining the people who are still your friends, answering questions, all of it, all the time.
In this episode, we will talk with leaders about the challenges of being a new leader, how to overcome the obstacles of suddenly being your friends’ boss, and tactical leadership in general.
Reviews are the best way for us to know what we are doing right, what we are doing wrong, and what we should talk about in the future, so please click on the links below and let us know if this episode was helpful.

Trailer #4: Trench Leadership: A Podcast From the Front
Leadership is bloody, and arguably, the leaders who get the bloodiest are the emerging leaders. You know who I’m talking about, these are the people who tend to be the newest leaders. They have to balance direction from higher management and the needs/desires of the followers. In short, they are the leaders who are in the trenches, making decisions, and steering the boat, often with limited leadership experience as they lead from the front.
Trench Leadership is about all of us sharing our knowledge and experiences in a fresh and honest manner so that we can all learn from each other, and hopefully have some fun along the way.
Trench Leadership: A Podcast from the Front, will launch on Monday, July Twelfth with three full episodes, and I can’t wait to start learning and leading with you from the front, see you then!
I’m excited to start learning and leading with all of you!!!!

Trailer #3: Trench Leadership: A Podcast From the Front
Leadership is bloody, and arguably, the leaders who get the bloodiest are the emerging leaders. You know who I’m talking about, these are the people who tend to be the newest leaders. They have to balance direction from higher management and the needs/desires of the followers. In short, they are the leaders who are in the trenches, making decisions, and steering the boat, often with limited leadership experience as they lead from the front.
Trench Leadership is about all of us sharing our knowledge and experiences in a fresh and honest manner so that we can all learn from each other, and hopefully have some fun along the way.
Trench Leadership: A Podcast from the Front, will launch on Monday, July Twelfth with three full episodes, and I can’t wait to start learning and leading with you from the front, see you then!
I’m excited to start learning and leading with all of you!!!!

Trailer #2: Trench Leadership: A Podcast From the Front
Leadership is bloody, and arguably, the leaders who get the bloodiest are the emerging leaders. You know who I’m talking about, these are the people who tend to be the newest leaders. They have to balance direction from higher management and the needs/desires of the followers. In short, they are the leaders who are in the trenches, making decisions, and steering the boat, often with limited leadership experience as they lead from the front.
Trench Leadership is about all of us sharing our knowledge and experiences in a fresh and honest manner so that we can all learn from each other, and hopefully have some fun along the way.
Trench Leadership: A Podcast from the Front, will launch on Monday, July Twelfth with three full episodes, and I can’t wait to start learning and leading with you from the front, see you then!
I’m excited to start learning and leading with all of you!!!!

Trailer #1: Trench Leadership: A Podcast From the Front
Leadership is bloody, and arguably, the leaders who get the bloodiest are the emerging leaders. You know who I’m talking about, these are the people who tend to be the newest leaders. They have to balance direction from higher management and the needs/desires of the followers. In short, they are the leaders who are in the trenches, making decisions, and steering the boat, often with limited leadership experience as they lead from the front.
Trench Leadership is about all of us sharing our knowledge and experiences in a fresh and honest manner so that we can all learn from each other, and hopefully have some fun along the way.
Trench Leadership: A Podcast from the Front, will launch on Monday, July Twelfth with three full episodes, and I can’t wait to start learning and leading with you from the front, see you then!
I’m excited to start learning and leading with all of you!!!!