Episode 39: The Power of Guilt
Emerging Leaders, Leadership Simon Kardynal Emerging Leaders, Leadership Simon Kardynal

Episode 39: The Power of Guilt

Guilt is a powerful emotion, one that sits inside us, stirring up emotions and feelings, often creating tense personal and professional situations for ourselves and our team members.

If guilt has such a strong grip on how we act, the questions then become, how can we recognize guilt? How do we live into our guilt, not allowing it to take over our lives? How can emerging leaders help their team members when they are feeling guilty?

Fear not!

In this episode, you’ll hear from a group of professionals from diverse and extensive backgrounds. You’ll hear from guests who gave it all up to follow their passions, the guilt about following their dreams, overtaking them. You’ll hear from life and leadership coaches, and how they manage the guilt of being parents while also being professionals in their fields. You’ll hear about how guilt can force us to work harder, work faster, work meaner, all to cover our own self-loathing at ourselves and our guilt.

And it’s their stories, their admissions of guilt and how they navigated through these feelings, coming out the other side, that will help emerging leaders see, understand, and work within their guilt.

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