E99 - The Culture Equation featuring Jessica Kriegel, PhD
In this episode, you’ll hear from Dr. Jessica Kriegel, the Chief Scientist of Workplace Culture at Culture Partners, who will help emerging leaders understand the intricacies of culture, how to create it, and how to maintain it during the easy and the hard times.

E98 - What is YOUR Speed of Advance? featuring Marty Groover
In this episode, you’ll hear from Marty Groover, author, Chief Technology Officer, and partner for C5MI, who will help us learn how to understand our own speed of advance. Marty will offer insight and advice, providing us with real-world strategies to ensure we are being as productive and efficient as possible, in turn, helping our teams be the very best they can be.

E97 - Purpose and Leadership featuring Eddie L. Johnson
In this episode, you’ll hear from Eddie L. Johnson, a breakthrough expert, developmental coach, speaker, author, and founder and CEO of E4 Inspiring Motivations, who will share his personal story and how he has been able to lead with purpose. Eddie will also offer methods and examples that emerging leaders can use to lead themselves and their teams with purpose and passion.

E96 – Toxic Leadership featuring Marika Messager
In this episode, you’ll hear from Marika Messager, a consciousness researcher, who will define toxic leadership and help us recognize when we are in a toxic team, with a toxic leader. Marika will also offer advice to countering a toxic leader help ensure we don’t become the toxic leader.

Bonus Episode - The Leadership Journey featuring Erin O’Toole
In this episode, you’ll hear from Erin O’Toole, a former Member of Parliament for Durham, ON, former leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, and RCAF veteran, who will share his leadership journey, offering what he has seen and experienced during multiple career and leadership pivots. Erin will explain how his experiences have, and continue to, shape the kind of leader he is, and where he hopes his leadership journey will take him next.

E94 – Emotional Intelligence featuring Ashley Valliére
In this episode, you’ll hear from Ashley Valliére, a body specialist and mentor, who will talk about the connection between our physiological and psychological responses.

E93 – Leading Through Transition featuring Andrea Singsaas
In this episode, you’ll hear from Eric Bauberger, a Holistic Life Coach and Songwriter, Certified in the Mastery Method who will share his story, relaying how he answered these questions, and what he did with the answers. Eric will then offer advice to help emerging leaders answer their own questions, allowing them to be the utmost unconditional leaders possible.

E92 – Unconditional Leadership featuring Eric Bauberger
In this episode, you’ll hear from Eric Bauberger, a Holistic Life Coach and Songwriter, Certified in the Mastery Method who will share his story, relaying how he answered these questions, and what he did with the answers. Eric will then offer advice to help emerging leaders answer their own questions, allowing them to be the utmost unconditional leaders possible.

E91 – Your Leadership Learning Journey featuring Corina Walsh, Eh!
In this episode, you’ll hear from Corina Walsh, Certified Leadership Coach and CEO of Shift People Development who will talk about how to follow our leadership journey. Corina will offer a practical method to help emerging leaders follow their leadership learning journey.

E88 - What’s on Your Radar? featuring Mark Bentz, Eh!
In this episode, you’ll hear from Mark Bentz, a fellow Canadian, a business owner, Paralympian athlete and renowned speaker. Mark will offer his story, relating how his personal journey has shaped him both personally and professionally. Mark will also explain how he has learned to use what used to be on his radar to help him understand what’s on the scope right now.

E90 - Be a Happy Leader featuring Simon Kardynal
In this episode, you'll hear from me, Simon Kardynal, your host, where we’ll talk about the power of happy leaders and happy teams. We’ll talk about how to be happy leaders and how we can create happy teams.

E89 - Intuitive Leadership featuring Seth Santoro
Have you ever had a feeling of being absolutely certain of someone’s emotions, or maybe had a sense of what your team was thinking or feeling?
This is your intuition, and it’s a powerful tool to have in your leadership toolbox.
And so, in this episode, you’ll hear from Seth Santoro, an Intuitive Leadership expert, Psychic Medium, Bestseller Coach, and an Intuitive Healer, who will help us discover how to use our natural intuitive skills to help guide us as we lead from the trenches.

E87 – How to Hire Someone featuring Mark Herschberg
In this episode, you’ll hear from Mark Herschberg, chief technology officer, MIT instructor, author of The Career Toolkit: Essential Skills That No One Taught You, and creator of the Brain Bump app, who will delve into hiring methods to assess potential candidates, identifying their strengths and weaknesses to ensure the strongest team possible.

Bonus Episode - The Power of Teamwork - Examining the EA / C-Suite Team
In this episode of Trench Leadership, we’ll be joined with Desiree McCarthy, the Executive Administrative Assistant to the CEO, and Kevin Ford, my boss, Chief Executive Officer of Calian, and music lover, where Bonnie will have a fun and frank conversation with a real-world Executive partnership, exposing the strengths and methods used to create and maintain a powerful executive partnership.

E86 - How To Think Critically featuring Steve Pearlman, PhD.
Critical thinking is a skill that comes easier to some people more than others. The good news is that critical thinking skills can be taught. And this is great news because a robust critical thinking capacity is essential for leaders.
And so, in this episode, you’ll hear from Dr. Steve Pearlman, Founder of The Critical Thinking Institute, author, ad fellow podcast host, will offer his definition of critical thinking while also providing advice and practical tips to help all of us be the best critical thinkers we can be.

E85 - The Value of Teamwork featuring Simon Kardynal
Today we have an important topic to discuss—the significance of teamwork for leaders. In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, effective teamwork is more crucial than ever. It can make or break a leader's success.

E84 – Healthy Eating and Leadership featuring Dr. Trina Dorrah
We’ve all heard the saying, “You are what you eat”. And it’s well documented that our diets have far-reaching effects on our physiological and physical capabilities and endurance.
In this episode, you’ll hear from Dr. Trina Dorrah, a practicing physician, a fellow podcaster, certified life coach, and former binge eater, who will talk about the connection between healthy living and how we show up as leaders. Trina will also offer advice and practical tools to help us lead healthier, allowing us to be out strongest selves.

E83 - How To Effectively Manage Time featuring Rebecca Pearce
In this episode, you’ll hear from Rebecca Pearce, a Certified Executive Business Coach, who will offer advice and practical tips for all of us to manage our time as efficiently and effectively as possible.

E82 - How To Learn What You Don't Know featuring Dr. Will Bralick
In this episode, you’ll hear from Dr. Will Bralick, the Founding President & CEO of a software consulting practice — Paladin Logic, Ltd — and an educator/coach in software project leadership, who will offer advice and practical tools to help emerging leaders define, identify, and see what we don’t know, giving leaders the capability to be more effective much more quickly.

E81 – Personal and Professional Decluttering featuring Lisa Zawrotny
In this episode, you’ll hear from Lisa Zawrotny, a productivity and accountability coach who will talk about decluttering and how this clarity can lead to stress management, giving new leaders clear mind and body. Lisa will do this by offering her proven decluttering framework.