Episode 24: Not Being Taken Seriously featuring Brienne Hennessy and Jillian Webber
Emerging Leaders, Leadership Simon Kardynal Emerging Leaders, Leadership Simon Kardynal

Episode 24: Not Being Taken Seriously featuring Brienne Hennessy and Jillian Webber

It’s likely that at some point in everyone’s professional or personal life, they haven’t been taken seriously with the after-effects of these moments having a lasting impression on us.

From the lens of emerging leaders, these impressions often have a direct correlation to how we lead from the trenches, and so, in this episode, we’ll explore some of the reasons why people, specifically emerging leaders, tend to not be taken seriously, we will offer some tips to calm the self-doubt inside ourselves, and finally, we will reach into our leadership tool boxes and hand out some practical tools to enable each other to ensure everyone is heard as much as they want to be.

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Episode 23: Survivorship Bias (It’s not what you think) and Making Fully Informed Decisions featuring Simon Kardynal
Emerging Leaders, Leadership Simon Kardynal Emerging Leaders, Leadership Simon Kardynal

Episode 23: Survivorship Bias (It’s not what you think) and Making Fully Informed Decisions featuring Simon Kardynal

Here’s the thing, at its very core, survivorship bias is a kind of mental model where people tend to only look at what has worked in the past and use this as a metric for future success. But what about all of those stellar failures that we’ve experienced? Is there nothing for us to learn from these fails?

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Episode 17: Your Leadership Journey is Yours, It’s Important, and it WILL Shape You featuring Ryan Carey
Emerging Leaders, Leadership Simon Kardynal Emerging Leaders, Leadership Simon Kardynal

Episode 17: Your Leadership Journey is Yours, It’s Important, and it WILL Shape You featuring Ryan Carey

Your leadership journey is yours alone. Your experiences, your triumphs, your failures, your hard times and your easy times, they’ve all been shaping you and how you act as a leader.

The trick is to be accepting of your failures and your wins, to see how each of your experiences has shaped you, and then ensure your evolution as a leader is in tune with the kind of leader you want to be.

In this special Remembrance Day episode, we are speaking with Ryan Carey, who will discuss his leadership journey from his youth to professional football player to Canadian Armed Forces veteran, and being to an advocate for increasing awareness surrounding concussions across all fields.

Ryan’s story is meant to remind us that each of our leadership journeys are unique and special, and once we create a path that follows our personal values, we can, and WILL, make the differences that we want for ourselves and the world.

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Episode 16: Understanding Our Leaderships Wins and Failures Makes us Better Leaders featuring Sara Greco
Emerging Leaders, Leadership Simon Kardynal Emerging Leaders, Leadership Simon Kardynal

Episode 16: Understanding Our Leaderships Wins and Failures Makes us Better Leaders featuring Sara Greco

Ask any renowned leader who they look to for inspiration and they will name someone they view as their leadership guiding light. Leaders never say that they are their own inspiration, and that’s because most leaders recognize that a person’s individual leadership style has been adapted from examples, good and bad, that they have experienced or witnessed during their lives. We use these examples to shape the leaders we want to be, taking the parts we want to use, remembering the examples of how we don’t want to be. All the while, we are building our leadership toolbox.

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Bonus Episode: The Science Behind Power Clothes featuring Patrice Bisiot
Leadership Simon Kardynal Leadership Simon Kardynal

Bonus Episode: The Science Behind Power Clothes featuring Patrice Bisiot

They say the clothes makes the person, but after having spoken with Patrice, it’s become clear that the clothes are but one minor aspect of projecting the person you want to be.

Over the course of the next two episodes and an extra third episode in the middle of the week, we will talk with Patrice Bisiot, style interventionist, author, and branding consultant and we will help YOU project the person you want to be by talking about the importance of being honest with who you want to be, how to get there, and then helping you pick the clothes to BE that person.

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Episode 15: Understanding Yourself to Wear Clothes Like the Boss You are! featuring Patrice Bisiot (Part 2 of 2)
Fashion, Leadership, Emerging Leaders Simon Kardynal Fashion, Leadership, Emerging Leaders Simon Kardynal

Episode 15: Understanding Yourself to Wear Clothes Like the Boss You are! featuring Patrice Bisiot (Part 2 of 2)

In last week’s episode we talked about the need to be genuine and authentic with yourself and if we are honest with who we are, then, and ONLY then, can we begin to understand the leadership image we want to project.

In this week’s episode, we’ll continue this discussion, further explaining how to see these connections right in the moment, and understanding how to use this knowledge to project YOUR leadership brand.

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